It is an apocalyptic piece, a music of dead movements, whose pseudo activity is slowly drained. I began to wonder if the premise could be turned in on itself, whether a congealed state could become something active, and whether life could start afresh from vacuous energy.In the course of conceiving a piece about static states, my creative process itself felt like it had become frozen. The project presented a number of paradoxes: to represent immobility with quiescent material is uninteresting. I realized that the most powerful way to explore an idea sometimes includes the things and qualities that it is not as well as that which it is. The result is a piece where contrasting sonic identities intersect, combine, and dissolve into one another to create new musical situations. In this way, a limited number of ideas are repeated in combinations that are always new. Energy is driven forward in the hopes of overcoming musical entropy though it is ultimately in vain; the process of congealment is destined to overcome the music.